
333 Stargate Holographic Activation Call REPLAY


Each Group Holographic Activation Call is Experienced based, and Highly Healing and Transformational! Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemical Team”, each Group Holographic Journey will be brought forth within the Consciousness of each person who gathers.

This “ticket” allows you instant access to the MP3 of the replay! You don’t even have to make the live call to experience these “mini-sessions”!


Read  Description Below


333 Stargate Holographic Live Activation Call
“Harness the Soul’s Dreams”
Recorded Live: Sunday, March 3rd, 2019
4pm CST

Welcome to the 333 Stargate/Portal!

I AM guided to facilitate this Live Holographic on this Auspicious Day as we lead into the New Pisces Moon of March 6th. This New upcoming Moon in Pisces and the Pisces Sun, is in Harmony with Neptune! What does this mean?  Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and is all about the watery quality of Flow and the Frequency of “Dreams”, the Soul’s Dreams and Bringing them into Fruition!

 This Auspicious 333 Stargate or Portal will allow access to the support of the Ascended Masters, Star Nations and the Beings of Light within your I AM Presence and Frequency as it relates to your Divine Mission and Ascension!

 The Energy downloads and Key Codes coming in with this Activation have to do with the Trinity, the Three-fold Heart Flame of perfect Masculine/Feminine Balance and SPIRIT!

 Since we will still be in the 4th quarter phase of the Moon, we will address what is ready to shift for you and do some clearing prior to this New Moon and upcoming Equinox Energy! We then will tap into and Harness the Energy of this Magical Portal, Stargate within the 3-Fold Flame Trinity!

 Join us for a Magic and Mystical call through your “I AM” Presence, Co-Creating with Amazing Beings of Light, including Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angelics , Galactics and  possibly Elementals, Intergalactic’ s such as Dolphins, Dragons and other Magical Beings who are here to support your Divine Mission and your Journey of Ascension!

 Please do not Drive while listening and it is ok and normal to fall asleep during the call and replay!

Each Live Activation call, much like my Classes are facilitated and guided to the Consciousness of each participants Level of Consciousness and Awareness!

For those of you unable to make the Live Call, you will receive a replay and will be included in the Group Consciousness, (Even if you register after the Live Class as all time is NOW)!

After the Live Call,  everyone will receive the replay to listen at your leisure.

$22 includes Mp3 replay!

(Please do not plan to drive during this powerful call)!

Each Group Holographic Activation Call is Experienced based, and Highly Healing and Transformational! Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemical Team”, each Group Holographic Journey will be brought forth within the Consciousness of each person who gathers.

Prepare for Mystical Journeys of Transformation with Sound Frequencies and Magical Alchemy through the exploration of Powerful Play! You may experience your Alignment with the Highest Possibility Potential for you at this time.

Each Activation call will allow you to expand your Consciousness! You may notice your Intuitive abilities to perceive Information and Skill Sets, that are unique to you increasingly expanding! Truly a Journey in 5-D Consciousness!

This allows you instant access to the  MP3 of the replay! You don’t even have to make the live call to experience these “mini-sessions”!! 

Replays will be available after each Live Call (sent in a follow-up email within 24 hours of LIVE event).  Upon purchase, you will be redirected to a page with the call information for the next available Live call (can be via phone with the call-in # or on your computer via a web link). You will also receive an email with the call-in and web link information to be used the day of the event (if you tuned in LIVE)

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