Blog: “Get out of your own Way” Shift your Focus on Co-Creating NEW EARTH
“Get out of your own Way”
Shift your Focus on Co-Creating NEW EARTH
The Rules have Changed…can you feel it? As of the Powerful conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter during the last Winter Solstice Eclipse of 12-21-20 at 0 degrees (ZERO POINT), our Ability to Align with & Manifest has significantly accelerated!
I can feel some of you bristling right now, as this may be the furthest from your Personal Experiences, however at NO other time are we being SO SUPPORTED! This Support is from our “I AM Presence” (our “Embodied” Higher Self) & all of the High Frequency Light Beings Who Transmit through this Vibrational Bandwidth!
Our Star/Soul Families are making their Presence known, these are Galactic’s, Archangels, Intergalactics, Crystallines, Elementals, Inner Earth Beings, Elementals etc. Nature & the Stargates/Portals are available to all & are increasing Connection as well as Communication! Have you recently sat & listened to the Wisdom of the Trees, Birds, Grass, Ponds & Oceans???
New Earth is all...