Blog: “Get out of your own Way” Shift your Focus on Co-Creating NEW EARTH

“Get out of your own Way” Shift your Focus on Co-Creating NEW EARTH 8-30-21 The Rules have Changed…can you feel it? As of the Powerful conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter during the last Winter Solstice Eclipse of 12-21-20 at 0 degrees (ZERO POINT), our Ability to Align with & Manifest has significantly accelerated!  I can feel some of you bristling right now, as this may be the furthest from your Personal Experiences, however at NO other time are we being SO SUPPORTED! This Support is from our “I AM Presence” (our “Embodied” Higher Self) & all of the High Frequency Light Beings Who Transmit through this Vibrational Bandwidth! Our Star/Soul Families are making their Presence known, these are Galactic’s, Archangels, Intergalactics, Crystallines, Elementals, Inner Earth Beings, Elementals etc. Nature & the Stargates/Portals are available to all & are increasing Connection as well as Communication! Have you recently sat & listened to the Wisdom of the Trees, Birds, Grass, Ponds & Oceans??? New Earth is all...
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Blog: “5D Shift of Frequency”

“5D Shift of Frequency” PowerFULL LightMasters,… Navigating this time(line) is the 5D Name of the Game within the 3D & 4D Realms! Shifting & transmuting FEAR, & Holding our Frequency is the Total KEY for those on the Ascension path! This Ascension Process, as to where we are within the NOW, is well underway! It is so paramount to shift any Fear or Lower Vibration immediately! Do NOT allow it to percolate & collect within your BioField! Collective Consciousness is within the lower Frequency 4D realms, and the experience is the battle for your Mind, your Consciousness! Lower 4D is where Mind Control/programming/thoughtforms reside & why it is so important to be AWARE of where one is Vibrating at all times! STAY ALIGNED through INTENT with Divine “I AM”! Like tuning a radio (Frequency) Dial 😊, Keep your Frequency High! There are many ways to do this!  Managing our thoughts, shifting to the NOW, and becoming Aware of what is vying...
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“The Magic of Your Christ Light” Mp3 FREE GIFT! Listen Now!

“The Magic of Your Christ Light” Mp3 FREE GIFT! Listen Now!

New Gift for you! A Beautiful Solstice/Season of Light Activation Listen to this free recording! The title for the recording is “The Magic of your Christ Light” ~ Shine it NOW!  A Luminous Light Activation/Holographic Sound Transmission of the Language of Light codes, to Align, Amplify and Unify the Light that you Are! Includes a special ‘Receiving a Gift’....
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Navigating the Ascension Path in Flow and Grace!

Navigating the Ascension Path in Flow and Grace!

Beautiful Beings of Light...As we "Ride" the Great "Awakening" Waves of this 'Ascension Path', it definitely requires a different set of Rules! If in fact, for the most part, we are to throw the Rule book out, as they do not apply to our Multidimensional Presence, that continues to interface in our 3-D World. Consider for the most part, we are navigating the roads less traveled or have NEVER been traveled by anyone, at least in a 3-D Existence! I often say that we are " Boldly Going where we have Never Gone Before", (any Star Trek Fans here? :) ) and literally we ARE! Do you not feel the path rising up to meet you when you take that bold leap off the precipice? Have you taken that LEAP yet???  A Grand Leap into more of Who you Are, A Divine Multidimensional Being of Light in the disguise of what we call a HuMan Body! As we State: "I AM"...
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Video: I AM Activating into my Divine Mission!

Video: I AM Activating into my Divine Mission!

You have incarnated at this Auspicious Time of the Great Awakening to Bring Forth the Divine Skills that are Unique to you! The World needs for you to Embody Your I AM Presence (Divine Expressing through you AS You!) Enjoy this Holographic Alignment and Activation of your I AM Frequency, as Light and Sound codes are brought forth by Kim's I AM Alchemy team to assist you in beginning to unlock your Divine Mission! This is Kim's debut on You Tube and many more videos to come forth! Please subscribe and sign up for my newsletter at Please do not listen or watch while driving and keep your Spine as straight as possible! Notice what is different and what you are feeling and noticing even after the video! Stay in Awareness!...
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I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready

I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready

Elevate your Consciousness to include all frequencies that are available for you at this time. There is a large surge of Energetic Awakening that is happening on your planet on this timeline! It is most critical that you keep your Vibratory Frequency high and well-tuned. Be mindful of what energies you allow in your space, within your Field! It is good to remember that your Coherence and Harmony has a BIG effect on those around you, as you are a bridge and a ‘Carrier’ of Ascension Frequencies! Be mindful of those agenda’s meant to distract and pull you off kilter. It is a mere distraction with the censoring and will not be allowed on your Social Media to go far. You, in all your Light, will not be silenced. Each of you has been prepared for this timeline in many incarnations, if you will, and are UP for the Challenge! Hold the Light within yourselves and do your ‘Personal’ work, which includes clearing...
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Kim LIVE on Cari Murphy 6-25-18 (Listen to Video Replay Here)

Kim LIVE on Cari Murphy 6-25-18 (Listen to Video Replay Here)

Are you ready to claim the inner worth, outer wealth, optimal health and spiritual fulfillment you desire and deserve for 2018? Allow us to support you in realizing that intention! I was honored to participate in SEASON 7 of Cari Murphy’s Straight Talk for the Soul Series!  I will be appearing again on Season 8, so stay tuned! Following her near death experience in 1997, Cari has been devoted to creating communities and sharing enlightening information for lightworkers around the world. After publishing 6 books, including two international best-sellers, offering workshops, retreats and soul coaching to thousands, and building her internationally syndicated radio show community, “The Cari Murphy Show” to well over 3+ million listeners, Cari is now following in those footsteps with this soulfully empowering series! Cari’s greatest intention is to provide a safe space to heal your hurts, feel understood, and remember your divine nature. The live interview was recorded on JUNE 25th at 1pm CST (11am PST) and you can listen to the replay below (YouTube video). For any...
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Kim Regnitz “Awakened & Ready” Summit Video with Mike Picone 2018

Kim Regnitz “Awakened & Ready” Summit Video with Mike Picone 2018

  WATCH THE VIDEO REPLAY HERE:   The Awakened and Ready Summit Your Road Map for Accelerated Living During our Current Consciousness Shift I want you to understand, wherever you are right now is perfectly Ok! You aren’t going crazy!… We are currently going through a massive global consciousness shift, where millions and millions of people all over the world have woken up to the fact that we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience. And, more and more people across the globe are waking up every day, sending waves of higher vibrational energy that are rippling out to everyone else, helping to elevate the consciousness and raise the vibration of humanity, and the planet. Are you currently struggling and not sure why? Even if you are a very conscious person, struggling right now is completely normal because of all the higher energies currently coming in. All of our unresolved emotions are coming to the surface to be healed, individually and collectively. This is the reason...
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I AM Fully Embodying my “I AM” Presence in the Ascension Process! part 1

I AM Fully Embodying my “I AM” Presence in the Ascension Process! part 1

Hello Beautiful Light Beings, Do you fully KNOW why you are here? Having an  incarnation in the 'percieved' physical vessel on this planet? This is  truly a  most Auspicious time on our Sweet Earth, Beautiful Gaia, who radiates the Love and Warmth of the Energy of  Mother,  the Divine Feminine Frequency, to all of her Children! I invite you to focus on your Heart  and ask this very Key question right now! "Why am I here"? Present this question, if you will,  as you  would toss a pebble into the proverbial pond of  Awareness..., and watch the ripples go out...! Ask "WHO AM I and WHY AM I  HERE..."? (and perhaps why did I volunteer for this), yes I can hear that lament...! There are many Beings, you are not alone,  that may be questioning and perhaps rethinking their Decision to be here at this Evolutionary Period for our Earth and Uni-Verse! It is ok and part of the Path! :) Be Aware that Every Being  here...
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August 21st New Moon Solar Eclipse Unity Meditation 11:11 PST

August 21st New Moon Solar Eclipse Unity Meditation 11:11 PST

Hello Everyone, it is just a few hours past the Global Meditation following the Eclipse of August 21st , 2017, 28 degrees of Leo and Grand Fire Trine! It was amazing, the Frequencies that showed up prior to and during the Meditation. I was led to stay indoors and bring through the Violet Flame of Transmutation prior to the Global Unity Connection. I felt the Beautiful Frequencies of Joy and Heart Expansion. Clearly I was experiencing this Highest Potentiality of Light, being anchored through my Biofield deep within the Crystalline Matrix Heart of Gaia...! The Birds were uncannily silent during this time. Prior to the silence and my going to my Meditation area, I saw a red Male Cardinal perched near our feeders who was very vocal. The Archetypal Energies and message that the Cardinal brings is “Accept your Life’s Importance, Accept that you are a Being of Great Light and conduct yourself accordingly!     All of my connecting within, whether it...
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