July 20-21, 2024 In-Person Class in Green Bay, WI Area

July 20-21, 2024 In-Person Class in Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… "I AM the Frequency of Authentic Intuitive Power as I Playfully ‘ACTIVATE’ my GIFTS!" In-Person Class Sat & Sun  July 20-21, 2024 Sat 10:00 – 7pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence near Green Bay, WI) Join us for a Powerfully, PLAYFUL Magical Weekend in Mid-Summer where we Expand our Multidimensional Intuitive Abilities! The Focus of this Event is to Activate our Authentic Unique Gifts & Super Powers that pertain to our Divine Soul Missions! Accessing these Special NATURAL Abilities through the Embodiment of the “I AM” Presence allows for an Empowering Healing & Transformational process that AFFECT not only you but ALL connected to you!!! All is facilitated through PLAY, Nature & Magical Processes as we Immerse ourselves within the Mystical Field of Infinite Potential & Possibilities! Kim Creates a Most Magically infused Space whereas your Frequency is upshifted & you have increased Access to Communication, Awareness & Connection through your Soul, or “I AM” Presence!...
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APRIL 13-14, 2024 In-Person Class in Green Bay, WI Area

APRIL 13-14, 2024 In-Person Class in Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… "I AM Awakened to the Beautiful Gift that I AM"! In-Person Class Sat & Sun  April 13th & 14th, 2024 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence near Wrightstown, WI) Join us for a most Empowering, Magic-filled Weekend of Activating your “LIGHT BODY” & Accessing the BEAUTIFUL GIFT that you are to ALL Humanity! At this most “Auspicious” Revolutionary time within the Great AWAKENING you may begin to “EMBODY” your “I AM” (Divine Source within) “Frequency”! This Class is an “Experiential” Harmonic, Holographic Transformational Event! We Play within the Mystical Field of Infinite Potential & Possibilities! Prepare to EXPAND & Integrate the Recent Creative Cosmic Gifts from the recent Events like the Start of the New Astrological Year with the Equinox & Eclipses! This Class IS “Ascension Infused” & EXCITING!!! Experience is worth 1000 words!!! Kim Creates a Magically Infused Environment whereas you Raise your Home Frequency & Accelerate Awareness, Communication & Connection with...
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FEB 24-25, 2024 In-Person Class in Appleton, WI Area

FEB 24-25, 2024 In-Person Class in Appleton, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… "I AM Magically Aligned, Connected, & Expanding within my 'Home' Frequency"! In-Person Class Sat & Sun  February 24th & 25th, 2024 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence near Appleton, WI) Join us for a “Magical” Harmonic, Holographic Transformational Weekend “Experiental” Event where the Focus is Expansion, Divine Connection & AWARENESS in LEARNING to ‘READ’ “Frequency”! As your own Vibrational Frequency Shifts throughout the Weekend, it may feel like COMING HOME! As we approach this Event in a PLAYFUL, JOYFUL Way, you Accelerate your Ascension Process! Star/Soul Family Connection, Your “I AM” Presence Embodiment & the Valuing of your own Divine Mission on Gaia~Terra as it relates to her New Earth Frequency is some of what MAY be experienced !  This Class is Truly Powerfully Playful! Kim Creates a Magically Infused Environment whereas you Raise your Home Frequency & Accelerate Awareness, Communication & Connection with your “I AM” Presence! Working through this “I AM” Frequency...
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JUN 10-11, 2023 In-Person Class in Madison, WI Area

JUN 10-11, 2023 In-Person Class in Madison, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… Exploring who ‘I AM’ as Divine Consciousness within the Hologram”! In-Person Class Sat & Sun  June 10th & 11th, 2023 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence near East Side of Madison, WI) Join us for a Unique Transformational, Co-Creative Magical Weekend as we Explore, Expand & Embody ourselves as Divine Consciousness! Harmonically & Holographically, we move beyond 3D & 4D experience Activating our Multidimensional Gifts, Divine Mission ~ Soul’s Purpose & our Magical Superpowers!!! This Experiential Event within Divine Alignment may assist you in deepening your Connection, Discernment (most important NOW) & Communication with Divine Source expressing though you AS YOU! Are you ready to Powerfully go beyond where you have ever gone before??? Kim Creates a Magically Infused Environment whereas you Raise your Home Frequency & Accelerate Awareness, Communication & Connection with your “I AM” Presence! Working through this “I AM” Frequency allows you to receive your OWN Divine Guidance accessing Multidimensional...
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MAR 25-26, 2023 Class: “I AM Aligned within the Resonance & Frequency of 5D Consciousness” – Green Bay, WI Area

MAR 25-26, 2023 Class: “I AM Aligned within the Resonance & Frequency of 5D Consciousness” – Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “I AM Aligned within the Resonance & Frequency of 5D Consciousness”! In-Person Class Sat & Sun  March 25th & 26th, 2023 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence  near Green Bay, WI) Join us for a most Magical, Harmonic, Holographic, Co-Creative Experience in “Ascension Quantum Consciousness” as we explore the Resonant Frequency of 5D Consciousness within the Beautiful “NEW Earth” Crystalline Golden Age timeline! We will be Activating within Astrological New Year, in the “Initiating” Aries Lunar Cycle, which is Powerful for Manifesting & what you are here to JOYFULLY Co-Create within Alignment to your Divine Soul Mission! Kim Creates a Most Magically Infused Environment whereas you Raise your Frequency & Accelerate Awareness, Communication & Connection with your “I AM” Presence! Working through this “I AM” Frequency allows you to receive your own Divine Guidance accessing Multidimensional Skills Sets! Kim facilitates through a Playfully unconventional “Mystery School” like Atmosphere! She “may” be utilizing, Crystal Bowls,...
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NOV 5-6, 2022 Class: “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline” – Green Bay, WI Area

NOV 5-6, 2022 Class: “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline” – Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Ascension, Aligning with the Resonant Frequencies, Transformation & New Earth Manifestation” In-Person Class Sat & Sun  November 5th & 6th Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence  near Green Bay, WI) Join us for a most Magical Co-Creative Experiential Weekend in Transformation & “Ascension” Consciousness! As we are in “Eclipse season”, we Align with the Magical Potential of these Cosmic events allowing for Momentous Shifts within each of us! This Harmonic, Holographic Transformational Event will allow you to Experience “EMBODIMENT” with your “I AM” Presence, (‘Higher’ Self) as we play within the “Zero Point” Quantum Field Frequencies of Infinite Possibilities & Potential! In Alignment with NEW EARTH, we Raise our “Home” Frequency & Vibration which is Powerful for Manifesting, & Aligning with your Divine Mission! Kim Creates a Most Magically Infused Environment whereas you Raise your Frequency & Accelerate Awareness, Communication & Connection with your “I AM” Presence! Working through this “I AM” Frequency...
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July 9-10, 2022 Class: “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline” – Green Bay, WI Area

July 9-10, 2022 Class: “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline” – Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Aligning within the “Resonant Frequencies” of Ascension, …Remembering who I AM”! In-Person Class Sat & Sun  July 9th & 10th Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence  near Green Bay, WI) Join us for a most Magical Co-Creative Experiential Weekend in Ascension Consciousness! This Accelerated Transformational Event will allow you to experience what it feels like to “EMBODY” Divine Expression (“I AM” Presence) within your Sovereign Power! We will playfully bask within the “Zero Point” Quantum Field Frequencies of Infinite Possibilities & Potential as we Align in the NEW EARTH (already here) Vibration!!! Raising our “Home” Frequency & Vibration, is Powerful for Manifesting, & what you are here to JOYFULLY CO-CREATE in Alignment to your Divine Mission! Kim, as a Facilitator, through her “I AM” Alchemy Collective Team creates a Magically infused “Mystery School” like Environment where the Resonant Frequency is Aligned for you to Receive a greater Divine INNER Connection & Communication! This...
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April 9-10, 2022 Class: “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline” – Green Bay, WI Area

April 9-10, 2022 Class: “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline” – Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “I AM Ascending Within the Quantum Frequencies of the Crystalline Grid & New Earth Timeline”! In-Person Class Sat & Sun  April 9th & 10th Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence  near Green Bay, WI) Join us for a most Magical Co-Creative Experience in “Ascension Quantum Consciousness” & the Acceleration of the Crystalline Grid within the Beautiful “NEW Earth” Golden Age timeline! We will be Activating within Astrological New Year, in the “Initiating” Aries Lunar Cycle, which is Powerful for Manifesting what you are here to JOYFULLY Co-Create in Alignment to your Divine Mission! Kim Creates a Most Magically Infused Environment whereas you Raise your Frequency & Accelerate Awareness, Communication & Connection with your “I AM” Presence! Working through this “I AM” Frequency allows you to receive your own  Divine Guidance accessing Multidimensional Skills Sets! Kim facilitates through a Playfully unconventional “Mystery School” like Atmosphere! She “may” be utilizing, Crystal Bowls, Crystals, Holographic Activations, Group...
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March 5-6, 2022 Class: “Intuitive Dowsing from the Heart” – Madison, WI Area

March 5-6, 2022 Class: “Intuitive Dowsing from the Heart” – Madison, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Intuitive Dowsing from the Heart” In-Person Class Sat & Sun  March 5-6, 2022 Sat & Sun 10am – 6pm Madison, WI “Be an Interpreter of your own Soul’s Vibration” This “Empowering” Weekend course covers the Expansive Intuitive Art of Dowsing, the Ancient Art that has its roots in the earliest civilizations! It is an important tool in our Evolutionary Process, allowing us to handle the rapidly shifting frequencies, becoming fully “Conscious” Co-Creators of our Authentic Self! Dowsing/Divining or “Intuiting” enables us to receive guidance & answers of Divine Truth from our “I AM” Presence, our “Embodied” ‘Higher’ Self! There are many highlights of this Course that may be explored: *Developing and expanding Confidence in receiving clear concise Divine Guidance * Expanding Discernment, intuiting the Resonance & Frequency of Objects, People, Places, Beliefs & Ideas! *Guidance relating to Influential forces, & clearing Belief systems & incongruent Patterns of Body, Mind, & Spirit that are no longer in Harmony with your...
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Nov 6-7, 2021 Class: “I AM Activating Crystalline DNA ~Ascension & New Earth” – Green Bay, WI Area

Nov 6-7, 2021 Class: “I AM Activating Crystalline DNA ~Ascension & New Earth” – Green Bay, WI Area

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “I AM Activating Crystalline DNA ~ Ascension & New Earth” In-Person Class Sat & Sun  November 6-7th 2021 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence in DePere - near Green Bay, WI) We invite you to an “Experienced” Based, Fully “Immersive” Weekend in “Ascension Consciousness” as we Co-Create within the NEW EARTH Vibration! In Alignment within the “I AM” Frequency, you may Accelerate your Ascension Process thought the “Embodiment” of your “I AM” Presence, Expand Awareness, & Activate Gifts, Skill Sets, & Super Powers Unique to your Divine Mission! Within this totally Transformational Weekend prepare for a “Magical” Experience in the Quantum Field of Infinite Potential within 5D & beyond! Our Explorations “may” include the following experiences: “Holographic Activations, Star Transmissions, New Crystalline Downloads, Connection & Communication with our Beloved Star/Soul Families within the Quantum Zero Point Field in Alignment with our “I AM” Frequency”, “New Tools to Shift Consciousness and Activate Dormant DNA”, “Creating...
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July 10-11, 2021 Class: “Ascension & New Earth” – Appleton, WI

July 10-11, 2021 Class: “Ascension & New Earth” – Appleton, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Ascension & New Earth” In-Person Class Sat & Sun  July 10, 2021 - July 11, 2021 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm & Sun 11am – 6pm (Private Residence in Appleton, WI) We invite you to an “Experienced” Based, Fully “Immersive” Weekend in “Ascension Consciousness” as we Co-Create within the NEW EARTH Vibration! In Alignment within the “I AM” Frequency, you may Accelerate your Ascension Process thought the “Embodiment” of your “I AM” Presence, Expand Awareness, & Activate Gifts, Skill Sets, & Super Powers Unique to your Divine Mission! Within this totally Transformational Weekend prepare for a “Magical” Experience in the Quantum Field of Infinite Potential within 5D & beyond! Our Explorations “may” include the following experiences: “Holographic Activations, Star Transmissions, New Crystalline Downloads, Connection & Communication with our Beloved Star/Soul Families within the Quantum Zero Point Field in Alignment with our “I AM” Frequency”, “New Tools to Shift Consciousness and Activate Dormant DNA”, “Creating a High Frequency and Harmonizing your...
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May 15 & 16, 2021 Class: “Manifesting 5D New Earth & the Golden Age” – Almond, WI

May 15 & 16, 2021 Class: “Manifesting 5D New Earth & the Golden Age” – Almond, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Manifesting 5D New Earth & the Golden Age” Sat & Sun  May 15, 2021- May 16, 2021 Sat 10:00 – 6:30pm Sun 11am – 6p Almond, WI Join us, as we meet within Group Consciousness, in Alignment through the Frequency Bandwidth of our “I AM” Presence, for an EnLightened Co-Creative Class facilitated through Kim’s “I AM Alchemy Collective” Team with the PRIMARY FOCUS to be of the “Ascension Trajectory” & the Palpable Manifestation of NEW EARTH that is ALREADY HERE!!! The downloads coming through, may have an exponential effect in creating an Accelerated Timeline as we Birth this Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance, Harmony, JOY & Peace! Our Explorations “may” include the following experiences: “Holographic Activations, Star Transmissions, New Crystalline Downloads, Connection & Communication with our Beloved Star/Soul Families within the Quantum Zero Point Field in Alignment with our “I AM” Frequency”, “New Tools to Shift Consciousness and Activate Dormant DNA”, “Creating a High Frequency and Harmonizing your...
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Nov 21 & 22 Class: “Co-Creating with the Crystallines” – Plover, WI

Nov 21 & 22 Class: “Co-Creating with the Crystallines” – Plover, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Co-Creating with the Crystallines” November 21-22, 2020 Plover, WI (private residence) Sat 10:30 – 7pm, Sun 11am – 6pm We invite you to join us for an Amazing Event facilitated by Kim and her “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, as we prepare for the launch into the Age of Aquarius of 2021, A Golden Era of Peace! This Event is an “Ascension” Experienced-Based Class complete with Holographic Activations and “I AM” Divine “Embodiment” downloads. Your Bio Field will be sequentially and Energetically prepared with each Process through your “I AM” Presence! Kim will be offering many Holographic Transformational group Processes inclusive of Sound (Language of Light transmissions), Group Toning, and Sonic infusions with the Crystalline 432hz Chakra Tuned bowls, assisting with many Shifts and downloads. Our Explorations may include the following experiences: “Holographic Activations & New Crystalline Downloads within the Quantum Zero Point Field in Alignment with your “I AM” Frequency”, “New Tools to Shift Consciousness and Activate Dormant DNA”,...
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June 26-28 2020 Class: “Seeding New Codes of the Divine Feminine” – Milwaukee, WI

June 26-28 2020 Class: “Seeding New Codes of the Divine Feminine” – Milwaukee, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… “Seeding New Codes of the Divine Feminine” June 26-28, 2020 Mequon, WI Hosted by Diana Ponder (private residence) Fri Eve 7 – 10 Pm, Sat 10:30am – 7pm , Sun 11am – 6pm CST A New Decade, a New Astrological Calendar and Brand-New Codes of the Divine Feminine are entering the Gaia Grids! These new Downloads pertain to Everyone, Female or Male and are an important piece in the shifting and Transmuting of obsolete Wounded Male Archetypal patterns within our DNA, Multidimensional and Ancestral lineages! It is what we are witnessing on the Earth at this time! We are the Torch Bearers of our Ancestry and are on an Important Divine Mission!!! Are you ready and willing to Align with it??? Join Kim, through her “I AM Alchemy Team Collective”, as we gather in an Unconventionally POWERFUL, and Joyfully - Playful Group Energy experience! In Alignment within the “I AM” Frequency and Heart Stargate, these new Divine Feminine upgrades are indeed...
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November 16-17, 2019 Class: I AM Activating My 5-D Crystalline Light Body – Madison, WI

November 16-17, 2019 Class: I AM Activating My 5-D Crystalline Light Body – Madison, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… Class "6" (upgraded) of the Series: "I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready" “I AM Activating my 5-D Crystalline Light Body” November 16-17, 2019 Madison WI Sat 10:30 – 7pm & Sun 11am – 6:30pm We invite you to join us for a High Frequency Class of Crystalline Ascension Activations, in a weekend seasoned within an Ancient Mystery School Format! This event is facilitated through my “I AM” Alchemy Team through the “I AM” Frequency and the Beings of Light within this Ascension Vibrational Bandwidth! As we gather together in Harmony, with the Sun in Transformational Scorpio, and the Moon in Cancer, we will harness the Energy of the Elementals for integration of this past year, as well as prepare for the Trajectory of accelerated Mass Consciousness “Awakening” and the Powerful Cosmic Energy Alignment of 2020 and the “22” vibration! What is ready to shift or AWAKEN within the depths of you? Are you truly ready to step out of the obsolete...
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June 22-23, 2019 Class: Awakening to Zero Point, Let the Magic Begin! – Madison, WI

June 22-23, 2019 Class: Awakening to Zero Point, Let the Magic Begin! – Madison, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… Class "5" of the Series: "I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready" “Awakening to Zero Point, Let the Magic Begin!” June 22-23, 2019 Middleton, WI (Madison Area) Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 6pm We invite you to attend our Magical Solstice Weekend, where we will be Aligning with what is possible for you, and expanding the Awareness of your Multidimensionality, all through the “I AM” Frequency! Since we are gathering in the new Energies of the Cancer Sun, we will be in Harmony with the Moon in “Pisces”, one of the most Mystical signs of the Zodiac and Amazing for a Spiritual Gathering of any kind! The Solstice Portal is all about focusing our Practical work in 3-D, so you may receive Intuitive Guidance relating to your Divine Mission at this auspicious time of the Great Awakening! Kim facilitates, always through her I AM Alchemy Team, Playful and Magical, Quantum Holographic Activations, Transmissions and Codes allowing this 5-D Frequency to be...
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April 13-14 Riding the Waves of the Great Awakening Through the I AM Embodiment – Wisconsin Rapids, WI

April 13-14 Riding the Waves of the Great Awakening Through the I AM Embodiment – Wisconsin Rapids, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… Class "3" of the Series: "I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready" “Riding the Waves of the Great Awakening Through the  "I AM" Embodiment!” April 13-14, 2019 Wisconsin Rapids, WI (Class to be held at a private residence on a Beautiful Cranberry Marsh, west of Wisconsin Rapids) Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 6pm We invite you to join us in the Astrological New Year to Co-Creatively experience the Divine Energy of an Ancient Mystery School format as we gather in the playful Heart Energy of “Leo”!   Throughout this Event we will activate the Energy of the I AM Presence, our Divine Expression, and Align and Embody this Frequency within our 3-D Form. This Intimate Gathering is one of Support as we “Ride” these “Waves” of The Great Awakening, as it pertains to our everyday 3-D world!!! Kim facilitates, always through her I AM Alchemy Team, Playful and Magical, Quantum Holographic Activations, Transmissions and Codes allowing this 5-D Frequency to...
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November 17-18, 2018 “A Deep Dive into your Embodied “I AM” Consciousness” class in Madison, WI

November 17-18, 2018 “A Deep Dive into your Embodied “I AM” Consciousness” class in Madison, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… Class "3" of the Series: "I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready" “A Deep Dive into your Embodied "I AM" Consciousness!” November 17-18, 2018 Madison, WI Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 7pm You are invited to expand your Consciousness and to Align with “I AM” in Ascension readiness! This class focus will be about diving into the depths of what it means for you to EMBODY more of your Divinity, Your “I AM” Presence in your present 3-D form! With “Venus” (what you value), stationing direct just prior to the class, and “Mercury” (your mind and how you think & communicate) going Retrograde, which is when the mind is more at “rest” and offline, occurring at the same timeJ, consider that your Being will be in a fertile place for a deeper Awareness of who you really are, in the alignment with your Divine Mission! This class event will assist you into anchoring this Awareness more fully into...
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July 21-22, 2018 “I AM Activating My Crystalline Lightbody” class in Madison, WI

July 21-22, 2018 “I AM Activating My Crystalline Lightbody” class in Madison, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents… Class "2" of the Series: "I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready" “I AM Activating My Crystalline Lightbody!” July 21-22, 2018 Madison, WI Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 7pm We invite you to participate in our Co-Creative Event as we gather within 2 Powerful Eclipses to Raise our Frequency, and navigate Fields of Consciousness within a Mystery School format! This event is #2 of the “Ascension Series” and will be focused upon the Elemental Connection, Communication and the Activation of your Crystalline Light Body! We will be experiencing High Frequency Activations through the Loving Guidance of our “I AM” Presence and the Master Crystalline Beings that will be unique for each person attending. We may (weather permitting) be outdoors in Nature. Prepare for Amazing Vibrations of Joy, Bliss and Expansion as your Light Body is activated! We will connect with Crystal Beings in a whole new way! So what within you is ready for Change and Transformation? The downloads that are coming in...
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April 27-29, 2018 – “I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready!” in Appleton, WI

April 27-29, 2018 – “I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready!” in Appleton, WI

“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents... “I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready!!!” April 27-29, 2018 Appleton, WI Fri Eve 7 – 10pm, Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 7pm We invite you to attend our Live Event in a Mystery School format, as we gather together in the Full Moon energies of the new Astrological Calendar that began on 4/15/18, with the New Aries Moon! Full Moons are always a time to balance opposing Energies that begin to surface within yourself and are powerful catalysts for change! They are auspicious times to hold a Transformational Event such as this Class Intensive! This specific Full Moon will be in Scorpio, which is a water sign and all about DEEP TRANSFORMATION! Within this Transformational space and intimate Group energy, we will play in Holographic, Multidimensional Spaces that will assist you in raising your personal Vibratory Frequency, Activating your Light Body, and Accelerating your Consciousness. So what within you is ready for Change and Transformation? The...
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November 18 – 19, 2017 – I AM the Alchemy of a “New” Dream”! in Madison, WI

November 18 – 19, 2017 – I AM the Alchemy of a “New” Dream”! in Madison, WI

Kim Regnitz of “Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents... “I AM the Alchemy of a New Dream!!!” November 18 &19, 2017 Middleton, WI (Madison) Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 6pm Welcome Beautiful Light Masters to a wonderful play shop in the Energy of the New Scorpio Moon! Scorpio is the Energy of Alchemy and Magic and has the very deep Energetic of the ‘Phoenix’ rising out of the Ashes! Where are you ready to make a Quantum Leap into the Magnificence of you, unleashing and aligning with your Brilliance, your “I AM” Magic in your 3-D world! Our World needs you right now to step into your Full Awakened Mastery! Join us in the Collective Co-creative Divine “I AM” Frequency of this Group Dynamic as we explore and experience our Mastery and Power of this Transformational timeline! For the 1st 2 hours of our play experience on Sat, we will be utilizing the energy of the Void of Course Moon, which...
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July 28-29, 2017 > “Purely, Playfully, Powerful!”

July 28-29, 2017 > “Purely, Playfully, Powerful!”

Friday, July 28, 7 - 10pm Saturday, July 29, 10:30 am – 7pm Middleton WI (Madison area, private residence) Blessings Beautiful Light Master Beings! Are you ready for some Spontaneous Play? Through exploring the experience of “Embodying” your emerging Power, and harnessing the Energy of the Leo New Moon and Summer Sun, be ready to have some Fun, Kindred Spirit-ness and Co-Creative Adventures! What is ready to be Birthed forth from the Stargate of your Heart Field? As we gather together, between the Energy Portal of the Solstice Frequency to the coming Lunar and Solar Eclipses, that are both in Leo, be READY to transform into more of your Magical Magnificence! Leo is all about the Energy of the Heart and the Courage to align with “Living your Mission” and sharing those Unique Gifts that are yours alone to bring forth. Each ‘playful’ Workshop is tailored always to the Consciousness of those attending, so it is like receiving your own personal Transformation Portal! This class...
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“The Magical ‘Fools’ Journey”, Brand New Cycle, Brand New Year, Brand New You!!!

“The Magical ‘Fools’ Journey”, Brand New Cycle, Brand New Year, Brand New You!!!

Kim Regnitz of “Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents:       “The Magical ‘Fools’ Journey”  Brand New Cycle, Brand New Year, Brand New You!!!  April 1 - 2, 2017, Sat 10:30 am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 6pm, Madison,(Middleton)WI         Welcome to a Brand New Journey, one where there are no roadmaps and the Path is Created from within! The Tarot archetype of the “Fool” is a Perfect Metaphor for the Newness, Purity and Innocence of the Magical Child, as a Grand Adventurer in the Exploration of Divine Consciousness! The “Fool” is the Archetype of the Zero Point Field, where all emerges from the State of Pure Possibility Potential! Come “play” in the Group Energy in the beginning of the Astrological New Year, and Explore and Expand, who you are in the Holographic Universe! What is ready to shift within you so that you may EMBODY your “I AM Presence”, Divine Expressing through you as You! From within this flow of Alignment,...
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Embodying the Magic of Your Multidimensional “I AM” Self – Nov 19-20 – Middleton, WI

Embodying the Magic of Your Multidimensional “I AM” Self – Nov 19-20 – Middleton, WI

“Embodying” the Magic of your Multi-Dimensional “I AM” Self At (tune)ments for Building your Light Quotient, Elevating your Frequency and Holding your Vibrational Resonance! Sat, Nov. 19, 2016, 10:30 am – 7pm, and Sun, Nov. 20, 2016, 10:30 am – 6pm Middleton (Madison) WI We invite you to join us in Group Energy and Consciousness as we gather together in our final playshop of 2016. As move toward completion of this “9” year cycle, in numerological terms and begin to align with the Exciting New Possibility Potentiality of 2017, it is important that we complete that which is no longer Congruent with our Authentic “I Am” Presence, (the ‘Divine’ Expressing through you as you)! Through the Divine Guidance of, my “I AM” Team and the Beings of Light of the Highest Consciousness, we will explore what it means for you to be fully “Embodied”, as the Divine MultiDimensional Master that you are! Whether you are just newly Awakening, or are a Seasoned Journeyer on the Path...
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July 23-24, 2016 > Holding your Highest Resonance and Frequency while we “Play in the Magic of your MultiDimensional Self”

July 23-24, 2016 > Holding your Highest Resonance and Frequency while we “Play in the Magic of your MultiDimensional Self”

Kim Regnitz of “Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents.... Holding your Highest Resonance and Frequency while we.... “Play in the Magic of your MultiDimensional Self” July 23- 24, 2016, (Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sun 10:30 am – 6pm) Middleton (Madison WI) We invite you to join us in Group Energy, in the Loving Support of the Divine Beings of Light, for this Magical Play shop, exploring your own MultiDimensionality! We are living in Exciting yet somewhat challenging times! It is paramount that we are able to, raise our Vibration, attune with and Hold our “Home” Frequency so that we are better able to navigate the Cosmic Downloads and Infusions of Light that are being gifted to us and our Beautiful Earth Mother Gaia! The focus of this Play shop will be one of Support and Realignment! Have you ever got up in the Morning with the question: “Who am I today?” or perhaps looked in the mirror and...
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