“I AM Activating my Multidimensional Super Powers”! This Holographic Activation is facilitated through Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective and will assist you in Aligning with your own Embodied ” I AM” Presence/Frequency. Interestingly enough, this Activation was facilitated in the Brand New Energies of the Leo New Moon, 7-31-19 and also in the Lion Gate, energy that began July 26, 2019, reaching its peak on August 8, 2019 and concluding on Aug 12!
This Holographic Activation is a very Powerful Alignment to the Morphic Resonance of our Super Powers, all through the I AM Frequency Connection.
A Holographic Activation is a Journey through this Frequency of the Cosmic Heart Portal into the Quantum Field of Possiblity Potentiality! Each one of us, multidimensionally have skill sets, and this Activation accesses those Super Powers, bringing them into 3-D!
This Activation holds many Magical Suprises and Beautiful Energy Assistance from the Sirian Lion Beings, as well as the Feline Beings from Lyra! Many Crystalline Key Codes came in as well as Support from the Ascended Masters and even the Earth Dragons, which grounded the energy into our 3-D World!
I AM always delighted as what comes forth for all of us, and this Activation was a Surprise in the Magical Child Energy of Leo in Conjunction with Venus!
Each time that you listen to this Mp3, you Activate more of your Super Powers in your Physical Form! Enjoy the Transformation into your SUPER PRESENCE!