New Moon Solar Eclipse “Mastery of our Divine Mission”
Holographic Activation Live Group Call
Thursday, December 26th
7pm CST
Only $22 for your Virtual Ticket!
Replay included if you are unable to make the Live Call!
(You will included in the Energy of this Event even if you purchase after the fact)
As we prepare for 2020 (22 Vibration, “The Spiritual Master Builder”) this Powerful Solar Eclipse of Dec 25-26 will Activate these Frequency codes! A New Moon is a Brand New Cycle! An Eclipse has an Energetic Powerful 6 Month Effect! With all of these recent Cosmic Light Code Offerings of the “11:11”, the “333” Portals of 12/3, 12:12:12, the Winter Solstice of 12:21:2019 (also 333) and the final of Dec 30, totaling 4 “333” KNOW that you are Building a Solid Foundation of your Divine Soul’s Mission!
With this New Moon Eclipse being “4” degrees of Capricorn (Earth Element), coupled with the Pluto (Em-POWER-ment)& Saturn (living your Soul ‘Dharma’) conjunction or ALIGNMENT, of mid Jan, 2020, if there was Ever a time to “Get On With your Soul Mission” It is NOW! Capricorn is all about putting Feet under the Dream, Bringing it ALL and Anchoring it into 3-D! This is what “Ascension” is all about! Embodying your Multidimensional Divine “I AM” here in this in this Physical Vehicle!
Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemy Team Collective” in a playful Unconventional way, we Harness this Brand New Cycle through the Earth Elements in Alignment with the Galactic Central Sun, in respect to each of our Divine Missions! You may not realize what this ‘Mission’ is, however you have been prepared in Multidimensional Experiences and Timelines for this Ascension Evolutionary Process with Goddess Gaia! Again, as I tap into this Holographic Activation, there is a Magical Divine Feminine Energy coming in! I AM receiving the Frequency of the Silver/pale Pink Crystalline Ray! It carries a very gentle, yet Powerful Energy! As Kwan Yin comes through now, I AM able to feel the New Codes Awaiting within this Activation! Are you ready to Align with the GIFT THAT YOU ARE? All you have to be is willing….
As each Holographic (listen only) Live Call experience is facilitated through Kim’s “I AM Alchemy Team Collective”, it is always calibrated to the Consciousness and Highest Possibility Potential of each participant who Registers! Remember YOU Matter! If you cannot make the Live Call, you are included in the Quantum Cosmic Heart Energy and will receive the Energetic infusion! One of the Amazing perks of these calls, is that you Align more fully as you Embody your Divine “I AM” Presence!
Register today!
(note, your link that is received once you Register IS your Replay link, please notice password and read the link directions carefully)
If you cannot attend the Live Call, you will receive Energetically, the Alchemical Activation Transmission as facilitated through Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, the Assistance of the Ascended Masters and Archangels as well as Star Nations/Galactic/Crystalline/Elemental Beings that connect in through that “I AM Frequency”
You will receive a replay and will be included in the Group Consciousness, (Even if you register after the Live Class as all time is NOW)!
Each Live Activation call, much like my Classes are facilitated and guided to the Consciousness of each participants Level of Consciousness and Awareness! Each Activation call will allow you to expand your Consciousness! You may notice your Intuitive abilities to perceive Information and Skill Sets, that are unique to you increasingly expanding! Truly a Journey in 5-D Consciousness!
This allows you instant access to the LIVE activation and the replay! You don’t even have to make the live call to experience these “mini-sessions”!!
$22 includes Mp3 replay!
(Please do not plan to drive during this powerful call)!
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