Spring Equinox ~ Libra Full Moon
Holographic Activation REPLAY
Recorded Live: Wed March 20, 2019 7pm CST
This is access to the replay even if you didn’t make the Live Call!
(You will included in the Energy of this Event even if you purchase after the fact)
Welcome to the Astrological New Year, the Solar Cycle of New Beginnings
with the upcoming Spring Equinox and powerful Full Libra Moon Event all wrapped into one!
With the Schumann Resonance continuing to rise and EM Fields that are “off the chart”, it is easy to feel as if something Huge is happening! Actually it is! We are continuing to be upgraded and expanded to hold more
light within our physical Bio fields! As we transform to Crystalline and new DNA strands come on line, while exciting, it can also feel a bit challenging! I know that I have had weird sleep patterns, food cravings (or no appetite)
strange physical sensations and other noticeable “Ascension symptoms” to say the least and it feels like this is the new norm!
We are being prepared to handle more Light code Activations and information in these accelerated times! There is so much assistance by the Beings of Light through our“I AM” Frequency! And it is through my I AM Alchemy Team that I am guided to hold another Holographic Live Activation harnessing the Auspicious Energy of these Celestial Offerings. We may use them as a Spring Board of a Consciousness Catalyst with our Divine Soul Missions to Create what we incarnated to do!!!
I am always excited to see what will show up as we gather Heart to Heart, for this Live Holographic call. It is always a Magical Journey and if you are unable to make the live call, the replay will be just as Powerful as you will be included, energetically through your I AM Presence!
Each Live Activation call, much like my Classes are facilitated and guided to the Consciousness of each participants Level of Consciousness and Awareness!
For those of you unable to make the Live Call, you will receive a replay and will be included in the Group Consciousness, (Even if you register after the Live Class as all time is NOW)!
Register by clicking this link, you will receive the call details to join us live via phone or web.
After the Live Call, everyone will receive the replay to listen at your leisure
$22 includes Mp3 replay!
(Please do not plan to drive during this powerful call)!
Each Group Holographic Activation Call is Experienced based, and Highly Healing and Transformational! Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemical Team”, each Group Holographic Journey will be brought forth within the Consciousness of each person who gathers.
Prepare for Mystical Journeys of Transformation with Sound Frequencies and Magical Alchemy through the exploration of Powerful Play! You may experience your Alignment with the Highest Possibility Potential for you at this time.
Each Activation call will allow you to expand your Consciousness! You may notice your Intuitive abilities to perceive Information and Skill Sets, that are unique to you increasingly expanding! Truly a Journey in 5-D Consciousness!
This allows you instant access to the LIVE activation ….and an MP3 of the replay! You don’t even have to make the live call to experience these “mini-sessions”!!
View Upcoming Events Here: https://www.kimregnitz.com/category/upcoming-events/