“Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation presents…
Class “3” of the Series: “I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready”
“A Deep Dive into your Embodied “I AM” Consciousness!”
November 17-18, 2018
Madison, WI
Sat 10:30am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 7pm
You are invited to expand your Consciousness and to Align with “I AM” in Ascension readiness! This class focus will be about diving into the depths of what it means for you to EMBODY more of your Divinity, Your “I AM” Presence in your present 3-D form!
With “Venus” (what you value), stationing direct just prior to the class, and “Mercury” (your mind and how you think & communicate) going Retrograde, which is when the mind is more at “rest” and offline, occurring at the same timeJ, consider that your Being will be in a fertile place for a deeper Awareness of who you really are, in the alignment with your Divine Mission! This class event will assist you into anchoring this Awareness more fully into usable 3-D “Beingness”! Within the depths of the Scorpio Sun and the Moon initially in Pisces, (water Element), as well as the “take Action” phase of the new Scorpio Moon, it will be a good time to integrate all of what this year brought in for you, Multidimensionally speaking! This is a great succinct culmination of the Powerful Eclipses, Lion’s Gate and the Retrogrades of this past summer and how it may apply to you and the wisdom you gained!
So what within you is ready for Change Transformation and Magic? The downloads that are coming in for this event, are all about Awakening to Full Consciousness, an Acceleration and upgrade of every Cell within your physicality in the preparation of the “Ascension” Frequency!
Kim facilitates, always through her “I AM” Alchemy Team, Playful and Magical, Quantum Group Activations. Prepare to laugh, play, dance, move, cry, (its ok to cry, as it dissolves old stuck patternsJ), Sound (toning), draw/journaling, and especially to Connect at a deeper palpable level with your own I AM Guidance! (Your Highest Divine Source Self).
Through the Loving Guidance of Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team; we will Experientially work co-creatively with the Beloved Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Crystalline and Galactic Star Beings, Goddess Energy etc., all of the Highest Light and Purest Consciousness!
Every class is facilitated and Guided to the Consciousness of those attending at each individual’s level of Consciousness and Awareness. You will systematically notice yourself changing and expanding throughout the weekend, as you begin to “Embody” more of your own Divine “I AM” Presence and 5 – D (and above) Frequencies!
Energy Exchange: $333 includes materials and snacks, you must register and prepay prior to Event! To Register go to website www.KimRegnitz.com, click on Events! Upon registration details will follow. We will be sharing potluck or Bring lunch. Class is hosted by Kelly-Ann Meadow (at a private residence, address/directions in details to be sent). For more information contact Kim Regnitz 715-323-2431 (call or text), or email songofheart@uniontel.net PayPal payment plan available 6 months free financing