
4-23-20 “I AM an Architect Co-Creating this Brand-New Beautiful Earth”! Holographic Activation LIVE CALL


Thursday, April 23rd
7pm CST

This Holographic Activation is about Harnessing the Co-Creation of new 5-D Frequencies as we Collectively “Color our World”, with the Sweet Blessings of Goddess Gaia “BEAUTIFUL”!!!

Read Full Details and Description Below:


“I AM an Architect Co-Creating this Brand-New Beautiful Earth”!
Holographic Activation Live Group Call

Thursday, April 23rd
7pm CST

Replay included if you are unable to make the Live Call!
(You will included in the Energy of this Event even if you purchase after the fact)

This Holographic Activation is about Harnessing the Co-Creation of new 5-D Frequencies as we Collectively “Color our World”, with the Sweet Blessings of Goddess Gaia “BEAUTIFUL”!!!

As we sit in front of the Canvas of Zero Point, “I AM” Possibility Potential, what would show up as Paradise for you? A Beautiful Harmonious and Peaceful Garden, Shimmering Waterfalls, Exquisite Beauty of JOY,  ABUNDANCE, and Bounty of Nature???

Do you hear Exotic Birds Singing and the cool dew of the Rainforest without the Rain?

This Activation Aligns with the New Codes of CO-CREATING our Brand-New World, as we tap into the Elemental Energies, of the Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Ether! I AM feeling and seeing the Celestial Dragons Entering as our Divine Allies! Take A Forest Bathing Journey within the Magical Realms of Possibility, and deeply Rejuvenate yourself. This is about the Energy of ALLOWING and BEING, opening up to what is already here, ethereally!
It is Divinely Beautiful, Peaceful, Expansive, Joyful and Harmonious!

I invite you to join with me through the Guidance of my “I AM Alchemy Team Collective, for this Holographic Activation, assisting us in the Navigation of our 3-D World as well as opening Consciously, to more of our Multidimensionality! What New Gifts, New Vision Awaits you within this Sea of Creative Quantum Possibility???

Prepare for Mystical Journeys of Transformation with Sound Frequencies and Magical Alchemy through the exploration of Powerful Play! You may experience your Alignment with the Highest Possibility Potential for you at this time.

Each Group Holographic Activation Call is Experienced based, and Highly Healing and Transformational! Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemical Team”, each Group Holographic Journey will be brought forth within the Consciousness of each person who gathers.

PURCHASE NOW TO ACCESS LIVE CALL (If purchased prior to call) + REPLAY

REPLAY INFORMATION: Upon purchase, you will receive an email with your link to join the LIVE event.  This same link will be used to access the replay immediately after.  You will also receive a password to enter the call.

If you cannot attend the Live Call, you will receive Energetically, the Alchemical Activation Transmission as facilitated through Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, the Assistance of the Ascended Masters and Archangels as well as Star Nations/Galactic/Crystalline/Elemental Beings that connect in through that “I AM Frequency”

You will receive a replay and will be included in the Group Consciousness, (Even if you register after the Live Class as all time is NOW)!

Each Live Activation call, much like my Classes are facilitated and guided to the Consciousness of each participants Level of Consciousness and Awareness! Each Activation call will allow you to expand your Consciousness! You may notice your Intuitive abilities to perceive Information and Skill Sets, that are unique to you increasingly expanding! Truly a Journey in 5-D Consciousness!

This allows you instant access to the LIVE activation and the replay! You don’t even have to make the live call to experience these “mini-sessions”!! 

(Please do not plan to drive during this powerful call)!

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