FREE series begins on October 10th and my video interview airs on October 16th

I agreed to be part of Vicki & Ray’s Conversations around Inspiring Consciousness. Why?

I personally know I would not be where I am today, without someone reaching out to me, believing and taking their time to share  and see my true potential. This is something that I am passionate about as I truly believe everyone is in their own right inspiring.

Do you know when you’ve inspire a loved one, friend, colleague or even a stranger?

I want you to meet a couple of my friends from Australia, who are both inspiring and conscious. They are aware when they are “being” or “doing”.

Vicki and Ray weave their magic by being authentic, genuinely interested in what I have to share and allowing our conversation to flow with the ease as if we were able to touch each other – well not physically, though certainly energetically we did.

I was able to share times in my life when I was encouraged and the potential of what I had to offer to become who I am today.

My friends, guest speakers and I will be chatting as we delve into what and how we inspire others on a conscious level.

This is not something that “just happens” and it isn’t “only me”.

As we become conscious of whom we are on all levels it is then we can serve our fellow humans who are also expanding themselves as Souls in a physical body.

We are so much more than just this body and that is how I want to inspire you my friend along with other guest speakers to watch and listen to our path.

I have great pleasure in gifting you a front row seat, starting on 10th October 2019. Registering using this link.

You will be invited to many different ways of being:

  • Accept Who You Are
  • Expand Yourself
  • Learn to Trust Yourself
  • Embody the Feminine and Masculine
  • Listen to Your Soul
  • How do I Help Others

This Summit  called “Say Yes To Life – Inspiring Consciousness”,  is  video recorded with guest speakers from around the world, including me!

I know how I show up in the world when I lead my life being inspired to inspire others.

Register here so that you can have a front row seat to listen in.

How do I make a difference in this world?

Join us and find out.

Kim Regnitz

P.S. We did run overtime!
I had the greatest pleasure in being able to do an activation, so do listen in as I know you will so enjoy it.
Vicki and Ray did!