August 21st New Moon Solar Eclipse Unity Meditation 11:11 PST
Hello Everyone, it is just a few hours past the Global Meditation following the Eclipse of August 21st , 2017, 28 degrees of Leo and Grand Fire Trine! It was amazing, the Frequencies that showed up prior to and during the Meditation. I was led to stay indoors and bring through the Violet Flame of Transmutation prior to the Global Unity Connection.
I felt the Beautiful Frequencies of Joy and Heart Expansion. Clearly I was experiencing this Highest Potentiality of Light, being anchored through my Biofield deep within the Crystalline Matrix Heart of Gaia...! The Birds were uncannily silent during this time. Prior to the silence and my going to my Meditation area, I saw a red Male Cardinal perched near our feeders who was very vocal. The Archetypal Energies and message that the Cardinal brings is “Accept your Life’s Importance, Accept that you are a Being of Great Light and conduct yourself accordingly!
All of my connecting within, whether it...