This is the Leaders of the Light world series!! The Conscious Wealth Creation Masterclass Series will Ignite Your Soul’s Purpose, Maximize Your Impact in the World and Fulfill Your Leadership Legacy and it is about to begin! You are invited to participate in this FREE masterclass series by clicking here. This series is an 18 day, FREE online video masterclass series with amazing high-vibe experts, multi-dimensional channels, and personal and business transformation guides delivering the new energy consciousness keys, codes, activations and knowledge that will help you go beyond the limiting 3D matrix to ignite your soul’s power, wealth and abundance and merge your higher consciousness, power and abilities into your current reality to maximize wealth and abundance in your own life and in the world!

I am sending you this special invitation because I am a featured expert on this masterclass series! My Air Date is Saturday, May 11th and I’m offering an EXCLUSIVE FREE MP3 I will be recording soon just for participants in this event!

The transformational experiences provided through each expert’s interview shines the way for you to fully connect with your immense power to consciously create wealth and abundance in every area of your life, and fully embody your soul’s purpose so you can exponentially increase your impact in the world and fulfill your leadership legacy!

You have probably been feeling the push, pull, prod of the higher vibrational energy coming into our earth plane! The time to move in harmony with this powerful force is NOW!

  • Are you ready to activate your powerful purpose and leadership?
  • Are you still experiencing life in the 3D mass consciousness of lack, sabotaging thoughts, feelings, patterns, habits and behaviors?
  • Are you ready to be fully connected through your heart to your soul’s divine aligned potential to powerfully step into your mastery, wealth and abundance?

You are reading this because within you, you know there is so much more going on and you are READY to receive and activate your next steps! If this is you, please join me, Gabrielle Spencer, AKA renowned multi-dimensional intuitive and strategist for the merging of spiritual & practical tools for creating conscious wealth and abundance through your heart and soul connection and 17 well-known Leaders of the Light in the energetic and transformation industries!

This series is unlike any other as it merges high-vibe consciousness and powerful concrete tools to help you bridge the gap between visioning in the higher realms and actualizing in your current reality!!

There is so much for you to gain by being a part of this FORWARD FREQUENCY MOVEMENT (listen to the interview with John Burgos to hear more) and so much for you to learn from each expert as they share their golden nuggets on creating in the new consciousness energy!

Claim your FREE seat here and get ready for 18 days that will change your life and move you into your greatest divine flow of love, light and abundance!

Love and Blessings,

P.S.  Your free seat includes healings, clearings, activations, community offers and FREE GIFTS… Grab your first gift now and begin creating in the new consciousness energy!