
12-30-2024 “New Moon”, New Year, New Focused Intent, Welcome 2025!” Harmonic, Holographic Activation LIVE CALL


Monday, December 30th, 2024
5:30pm CST

Replay included if you are unable to make the Live Call!

(You will included in the Energy of this Event even if you purchase after the fact)

We Invite you to Join in the Blessings of this Very NEW Capricorn Moon, as it clocks in at 4:27pm CST!!! NEW MOONS are Always NEW Beginnings! Can you Feel the stirrings within the Embers of your Soul in its Wisdom? This Harmonic Holographic Activation will focus on this New Beginning, not only of the New Moon, but the incoming New Year, 2025 (a “9” year, Numerologically Speaking)! There is SO much upcoming within the Evolutionary Astrological Cosmic Offerings Truly Leading us further down the “Star Treky” Timeline that we are on!!!

We will also be utilizing this New Moon trajectory, in “letting go of all of last year, reflecting on the Wisdom we’ve gleaned, as we launch into the New Calendar Year!

Capricorn is the SEA GOAT, holds the Ability to dive into the Depths of the Deepest Sea & also sure-footed enough to Scale the tallest Mountain! Saturn, is the Activating Cosmic Energy operating here! Saturn is the Authority of “Living to our Dharma”, what we incarnated to “BE” Authentically throughout our Soul Mission! The Additional Focus within this Activation, will be to Create New Moon ~ New Year SEED Intentions which will be Referenced on this Live Call, of Course ALL DONE through in a Playful Format! Dolphins are choosing to Play with this SEA GOAT as Capricorn can be “ALL BUSINESS”, Lets SHAKE it up a Bit! 😊 I look forward to what is coming through for All of us! Happy Holidays & New YEAR! What an AWESOME Time to be Incarnate!


Within Each Activation Kim first offers the Energetics of the Cosmic Weather Events & timeline, Astrologically Speaking and info in how to harness them! These are always Expansive to your Consciousness every time you participate & listen and Access the Specific Frequencies!

Prepare for Mystical Journeys of Transformation with Sound Frequencies and Magical Alchemy through the exploration of Powerful Play! You may experience your Alignment with the Highest Possibility Potential for you at this time.

Each Group Holographic Activation Call is Experienced based, and Highly Healing and Transformational! Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemical Team”, each Group Holographic Journey will be brought forth within the Consciousness of each person who gathers.

PURCHASE NOW TO ACCESS LIVE CALL (If purchased prior to call) + REPLAY

REPLAY INFORMATION: Upon purchase, you will receive an email with your link to join the LIVE event.  This same link will be used to access the replay immediately after.  You will also receive a password to enter the call.

If you cannot attend the Live Call, you will receive Energetically, the Alchemical Activation Transmission as facilitated through Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, the Assistance of the Ascended Masters and Archangels as well as Star Nations/Galactic/Crystalline/Elemental Beings that connect in through that “I AM Frequency”

You will receive a replay and will be included in the Group Consciousness, (Even if you register after the Live Class as all time is NOW)!

Each Live Activation call, much like my Classes are facilitated and guided to the Consciousness of each participants Level of Consciousness and Awareness! Each Activation call will allow you to expand your Consciousness! You may notice your Intuitive abilities to perceive Information and Skill Sets, that are unique to you increasingly expanding! Truly a Journey in 5-D Consciousness!

This allows you instant access to the LIVE activation and the replay! You don’t even have to make the live call to experience these “mini-sessions”!! 

(Please do not plan to drive during this powerful call)!

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