Please join me on
Soul Talk
Tuesday September 18
I Am excited to present:
“I AM Awakened and Ascension Ready”!
Tap into the Magic and the Joy
of “Embodying” your I AM Presence!
Join us and experience an Alchemical Holographic Journey into the Possibility and Highest Potential of the I AM Frequency!
I will be facilitating, through my “I AM” Alchemy Team, an Actual Holographic Activation/Transformation through the Stargate of the Heart accessing what is truly possible for YOU!
Plus you get front row seats to ask your questions!
Click Here to register for the call in information…It’s Free!
As always there will be Replay if you can’t make the Live Show!
Soul Talk is a gathering of the most high vibrational, cutting edge transformation workers, intuitives, thought leaders and healers in our time. It’s a time of transition and great transformation and many of us are on the greatest adventure of all, the journey to ourselves. There is no reason to make the journey Alone!
Join Us and I’ll see you on the Show!